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Skin Body and savor Fruit

Rabu, 08 Juli 2009

Face is one part of the body we can do to make someone attracted to us. Face with a clean and fresh, you will be more confident. there are many ways to keep fresh faces, one by using the vitamin contents of fruits.

Permaslahan in the face tergandung with any type of skin. There is oily, with the discharge characteristics of oil constantly on the face on the forehead, nose, chin (the term "T"), and cheek at the bottom of the cheekbone. In general, the skin of the face of this type of easy ditumbuhi pimple. For this type, the fruit mentimun can help them. The fruit is nutritious and refine the skin weaken, to help alleviate the pore-pore, and removing the dirt from the skin. Thus, the occurrence of pimple can be prevented. In addition mentimun, tomatoes can also help restore the balance of oil in the oily skin, so that faces are always fresh and natural.

Type of face skin is the second type of dry skin. Usually the skin look dull or not mengilap, sometimes feels strain (interested), scaly, and prickly. The state of pore-pore kuit often appear faded and rough, and wrinkled, so that it looks older than actual age. Fruit is good for consumption for this type of facial skin are carrot *. Vitamin A in carrot is required for maintenance of the network epitel (Network dipermukaan the skin). In the carrot karoten also maintain a working kelembapan skin, slow the occurrence of wrinkling on the face, and always make a face appear to glow. In addition, the pineapple fruit can also be your alternative. For, this fruit contains substances that act summarizes pore-pore so that the skin appears smoother.

Another case with normal skin types. Between the two types of skin before, the most ideal type of skin is normal. This type of skin is not oily and not dry. In addition, the smooth texture and feels soft if touched. To face this type of skin, avocado can be a fruit of your choice. Avocado mask can help treat the skin type of the face normal. For, the high degree lemaknya can melembapkan skin and protects skin from the influence of the sun.

* Carrot can be consumed with how menjus raw or boiled carrot

(tips boil vegetables: that vitamins in vegetables remain secure, then before entering vegetables, stew are given salt water and a little sugar secukupnya; sugar handy to ensure that the vitamin-vitamin that exists in the vegetable remain awake and not terbuang with water stew.)
Hopefully these tips will remain useful for readers Info faithful Skin ya ...

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